
Woven Women's Ministry

Woven is a community where we grow deeper through studying the Bible, prayer, and fellowship. If you’re currently part of a Woven Thread, you’ll find more information and resources below.


Woven 2024-2025 Session

FALL: September-December
SPRING: January-May
FULL YEAR: September-May


Threads (Woven Small Groups)

A Thread is a small group of other women going through the same curriculum, and 2 co-leaders. When you register for Woven, you are committing to showing up, being vulnerable, and desiring to grow in closer relationships with your Thread. Schedules for meeting will be determined on an individual thread basis.

Teens can join a Teen Woven Thread anytime. For women over the age of 18, we'll open registration for fall Threads this summer.

Reading Plan

Let's Read the Gospels

Here's the reading plan that Woven Women & Teen Woven Threads are following as they read Let's Read The Gospels by Annie F. Downs.


Want to chat?

We'd love to hear from you! Email our Woven Leadership Team.