
The outreach ministry of Central exists to help you engage with your world, city, neighborhood, and oikos

What is outreach at Central?

The Outreach Ministry wants to help you make connections outside the walls of the church. There are events, community partnerships, mission trips, and more waiting for people willing to serve. Beyond that, if you can dream up something that reaches your community or friend group, we’ll help you make it happen.

Here’s how we care for our people and support ministries and organizations outside of Central:

Kingdom Fund

At Central we want to make sure that your tithes and gifts are stewarded well. This church is extremely generous and that generosity has created a surplus. The Kingdom Fund is a group made up of the Executive Pastor, Trustees, Elders, and at large church members who oversee the distribution of a portion of that surplus to projects and outside organizations.

The Kingdom Fund has a thorough vetting process to make sure that each project is missionally aligned, impactful, and will be used for the intended purpose. For more information on all the partners and projects the Kingdom Fund has allocated funds to, check out our Kingdom Fund page.

To submit a project for consideration, please complete a Kingdom Fund grant application.

Benevolence at Central

As a church body, we are blessed with many generous givers. Because of this generosity we are able to in turn bless members who are struggling to make ends meet due to unforeseen life circumstances. We believe that Christ offers freedom to all, and it can be difficult to live in that freedom when one is drowning or feels stuck under heavy financial burdens.

Receiving a financial gift can be life changing, faith restoring, and hope giving. Benevolence is one way that this church family can support each other: giving when we can and receiving as is sometimes needed. Our benevolence fund consists of designated gifts over and above your normal tithe.

You can give to the benevolence fund by going to our giving page, selecting Southwest Campus, and Benevolent under fund.

Outreach Ministry Opportunities


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What is oikos?

Your oikos is the 8-15 people that God has placed directly in your life. Some of the people in your relational world may know Jesus, and some may not. We believe that you are an instrumental part of God’s plan in adopting these pre-Christians you love into His family, or discipling fellow believers further. As a regular presence in their lives, you are best equipped to reach your oikos with the Gospel, and empower them to live the life they were created for.

Live Sent

Live Sent is a variety of classes and experiences that have been crafted to support you as you  help your oikos grow closer to God. We believe that when Christians don’t engage in evangelism, oftentimes it’s because they feel that it’s awkward and unnatural. It’s our hope that through Live Sent, you can learn to share your story, God’s story, and defend the gospel in ways that are natural and relationally healthy.

  • Live Sent: Sharing Your Story is where we recommend you start. It’s a five week two hour class where you learn about your identity in Christ, how to have spiritual conversations, and share your own spiritual story in a variety of ways. Click here to let us know you’re interested!
  • Live Sent: Sharing God’s Story is the next step in this process. If someone were to ask you what the Bible is about, what would you say? We’ve found that it’s common to struggle with articulating an overview of the Story of the Bible, especially in a way that is easily understood by people who are unfamiliar with Scripture. Live Sent: SGS seeks to equip you to do just that. It is a one day, intensive Spiritual Retreat that will guide you through different lenses through which to view the entirety of Scripture, in hopes that you will leave more comfortable discussing the contents of God’s Holy Word.
  • Live Sent: Dialoguing the Story is a class designed to equip you to walk with your oikos through some difficult topics they (and probably you) may wrestle with. This will not provide you with an exhaustive list of answers to give your friends about these subjects. Rather, it will highlight some scripture that can be a guide through multiple conversations, as well as help you to grow in confidence as you express to them that through all of our questions, we serve a God who is good, faithful, and trustworthy.
Block Parties

Block parties are a great way for you to meet new neighbors and establish connections. We’ve got lots of games you can borrow to help throw a block party, and we’ll even help you print invites. If you’re interested in throwing a Block Party for your neighborhood, email Nathan Pruett, Outreach Pastor.

Oikos Nights

As you begin viewing your life through the lens of reaching your oikos, you may discover that there are other Central attendees who are ministering to the same people you are. Oikos Nights are a chance for you to get together with a few neighbors over a meal or some games and brainstorm ways that you can work together to serve your oikos.


For more ways to lead your Oikos to Christ, contact Nathan Pruett, Outreach Pastor.

Central Renewal

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It’s our desire to see neighborhoods and people developed out of poverty and introduced to a healthy church home. Central Renewal is the development and outreach arm of Central Church in the Pettigrew Heights and larger Sioux Falls metropolitan area. We have four main ways that you can serve as a part of Central Renewal: Neighborhood Clean-up, Mentoring, Skills Training, and Preschool/Daycare Volunteering.

Neighborhood Clean-up

In conjunction with our Downtown Campus we help individuals in the Pettigrew Heights neighborhood overcome disasters and bring their properties up to code. We also help Renewal 58, a housing ministry that is a Community Partner of Central Church, maintain and beautify their properties in Pettigrew Heights.


Many of the people we serve suffer from a lack of healthy relationships. God created us to not only be in relationship with Him, but also to live in community. Mentors can help fulfill that need. Mentoring is a 12 week program, though many choose to continue with their mentee for much longer. Mentors are trained and provided with resources relevant to their mentee, and we support them through the process.

Skills Training

Due to the circumstances of life and often being in crisis, many we serve have not had access to important developmental resources, and have gaps in their knowledge or are lacking certain life skills. As the body of Christ, we each have different skills that we can help each other to develop. You know more than you might imagine! We need people who are willing to share their knowledge and skills with people in our ministry. Examples of previous classes are basic finance, how to operate as a 1099 employee, basic parenting, discipline, healthy cooking, meal prepping, CPR and basic first aid.

Preschool/Daycare Volunteering

We provide a daycare and preschool for up to 60 kids at our Downtown Campus. We offer these programs at free or reduced prices. To keep our costs down, we rely on volunteers like you to help with lunch, ride the bus, help with gym, or assist in the classroom.

To learn more about Central Renewal or to sign up to volunteer please reach out to Jessi Copeland, Community Development Director.

If you have other ideas to serve the Pettigrew Heights community, contact Nathan Pruett, Outreach Pastor.


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Why Ethiopia?

In 2015 our Elder board was feeling led by God to focus the ministries of Central Church around a few initiatives. They wanted us to go deep instead of broad. Around that same time they became aware of Adams Thermal Foundations new work in Ethiopia. Mike Adams, founder of ATF and Central Church member, met with our Elders and shared his heart for Ethiopia and about the work at their two schools in Hosanna and Ottoro. After prayer and thoughtful consideration the Elders decided to commit to Ethiopia as one of our three initiatives. In January of 2016 Central sent its first team to Ethiopia and God has continued to grow and bless this ministry ever since.

Ethiopia Quick Facts

  • Ethiopia is one of the oldest independent countries in Africa and one of the oldest in the world – at least 3,000 years old.
  • Ethnic Groups: More than 88 different ethnicities.
  • Languages: More than 88 languages but the official language is “Amarigna” (Amharic)
  • Religions: 44% Ethiopian Orthodox, 34% Sunni Muslim, 19% Christian
  • Population: 117.7 Million (Current Estimate)
  • Capital City: Addis Ababa estimated 5.5 million

In-Country Partners
Adams Thermal Foundation: ATF operates two K-12 schools located in the The Southern Nations, Nationalities, and Peoples’ Region. One school is in the city of Hosanna and the other is located in the Ottoro area.

  • MKA Ministries: M.K.A. is an abbreviation for an Amharic phrase that means “Equipping for Christ’s Ministry.” M.K.A.’s mission is to equip pastors in Ethiopia through seminary education and seminars. M.K.A. also does a variety of outreaches to the least of these throughout the country of Ethiopia.
  • Emmanuel Disability Association and Workshop: Emmanuel operates two factories in the Southern Nations where equipment for people with disabilities are produced.
  • The Timothy Initiative: TTI exists to advance Christ’s Kingdom by multiplying disciples and disciple making churches around the world. It’s their vision to see multiplying, disciple making churches in every place and people group.
  • Selamta: In Ethiopia over five million children are orphaned or abandoned. Selamta is working to be a part of the solution. They provide Forever Homes and comprehensive care for children and families.
  • Shamida: Shamida exists to provide high quality holistic care for orphans and vulnerable children, families, and the community. Shamida has two locations in Addis Ababa.
  • Partners Worldwide: Partners Worldwide exists to see Christ centered entrepreneurs raised up in the developing world. They accomplish this through training, mentoring, and micro loans.

Ethiopia Initiative Liaison

In July of 2023 Central Church launched Kendra Michael to work in Ethiopia. Kendra is serving as our Ethiopia Initiative Liaison. Having someone in-country allows Central to grow deeper and more informed connections with our partners in Ethiopia. We are able to witness and assess specific needs within Ethiopia and step in where the Lord leads. As Central’s teams travel to Ethiopia for short-term mission trips, Kendra is able to prepare for and receive them.

Sign up for Kendra’s newsletter to read regular updates on her work in Ethiopia. If you have any questions about Ethiopia or Central’s ministry there please reach out to her via email at [email protected].

How to Sign Up for a Trip

Join our Ethiopia Interest Group or reach out to Kendra Michael via email.

How to Give to the Mission in Ethiopia

Visit our giving page. Under Campus select Global Initiative, and under Fund choose Ethiopia.

Partnership Types

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At Central we partner with people and organizations we trust in a variety of ways. When looking for partnerships we try to find people and organizations that align with our mission statement and three initiatives.

  • Mission Statement – Central Church exists to help you share the love of Jesus with your relational world.
  • Three Initiatives – NextGen, Pettigrew Heights, and Ethiopia

Looking at partnerships through the lens of mission and initiative keeps us focused and allows us to make deep impacts in each of these areas. This focus guides decisions about all of our mission trips, projects, and funding. To learn more about our specific partners click through the map at the top of the page. We deeply encourage you to consider how you might get involved not only in the mission and initiatives at Central, but also directly with our different partners.

Legacy Partners

Legacy Partners are individuals or families who have dedicated their lives to missions or ministry in some way, and typically rely on funding from the body of Christ to live out the call God has placed on their lives. These partners are both local and international, some have partnered with Central for decades and some have joined the mission field within the last year. Many of these individuals or their families are members of our own congregation. Our Legacy Partners would love an opportunity to get you involved in their ministry. Meet our Legacy Partners!

Community & International Partners

We call our domestic partnerships Community Partners. These are organizations within the city of Sioux Falls and surrounding areas that we have connected with and see the fruits of their ministry within our community. We are grateful for the abundance of resources and skilled non-profits within the area. If you are looking for ways to serve locally we encourage you to reach out to one of them and get involved. Meet our Community Partners.

As church leaders were praying about how Central can be involved in expanding the Kingdom of God to unreached people groups, it was decided that our international ministry would be focused on one country: Ethiopia. Because of this, all of our international partners are organizations that focus their efforts on supporting the people of Ethiopia. Some of these partners are dialed in on training disciples and sharing the truth of Christ verbally, while others share the love of Christ in action: caring for widows and orphans, caring for those with disabilities, etc. We take 3 trips a year to work with and bless these partners. Meet our International Partners.

Downtown Preschool & Daycare

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Central Downtown Preschool and Daycare exists to provide free preschool and affordable daycare for qualifying families in the Pettigrew Heights neighborhood through a partnership with the Hope Coalition. Our program and staff equip students with kindergarten readiness skills. We also get to work closely with the families and make sure the students and families hear about Jesus and get a chance to grow in Him.

Email Jessi Copeland, Director of Community Development for more details on how to get connected! 

Care & Recovery Ministry

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The Care & Recovery ministry at Central focuses on more than just addiction. What often surfaces as drinking and drug problems is truly rooted in lies or distorted feelings, thoughts and actions. Our ministry reaches out with compassion and aids in recovering relationships with family, friends, and God.

Read more about Care & Recovery at Central or email Roger Anderson, Recovery Ministries Pastor for more information.

Get Involved With Outreach

Stay up to date on outreach opportunities at Central by joining a digital mailing list for one of our three major initiatives below.




Pettigrew Heights

OUtreach Staff

Nathan Pruett

Outreach Pastor

Roger Anderson

Recovery Ministries Pastor | Christian Counselor

Kendra Michael

Ethiopia Initiative Liaison

Chelsey Burtis

Spiritual Development Assistant