Signed, Sealed, Delivered – Part 1 – ASL
The Crucifixion of Jesus Christ was planned by God before the world began. It was God's answer to the problem of human sin. A sinless Messiah would offer himself as a sacrifice to God; a substitute for sinful humanity.
It was foretold in detail through the prophets in the Old Testament Scriptures (E.G. Isaiah 53, Psalm 22) hundreds of years before it happened. It was also portrayed through Jewish traditions like the Passover celebration and the Jewish sacrificial system. In this series we will look in detail at how the Jewish Passover celebration is a living portrayal of Christ's sacrifice on the cross, and how the resurrection of Jesus delivered humanity from the curse of sin. Through faith in the cross we can belong to God, so like the song, we can say, "Signed, sealed, delivered, I'm yours!"
Happy Easter! Pastor Jeff