Part 13 – The Millennium, New Heaven and New Earth – ASL
We get caught up in day-to-day survival with little thought about the future. But behind the craziness of our day-to-day existence God is patiently and powerfully moving the world toward His desired end. His plan to rescue a people for Himself out of a sinful world is happening whether we realize it or not. The question is, will you be part of that redeemed community?
The world is coming to an end. Sin and moral darkness are spreading like wildfire. A day is coming when Jesus will return to the earth. The righteous will enter His eternal kingdom. The wicked will be judged and cast into an eternity of suffering for willfully rejecting Jesus Christ. God's judgment is near. That day will come suddenly, like "a thief in the night." In this series we'll discuss what the Bible says about the events leading up to that day and how God expects us to live. Are you ready for THE END?
Pastor Jeff, Lead Pastor