Planned Giving

Leaving A Lasting Legacy

At Central Church, we are dedicated to serving our community and spreading the message of the gospel. Your generous support through planned giving can make a significant impact on our mission and help us continue our work for generations to come. By making a planned gift, you can create a lasting legacy while also benefiting from potential tax advantages.

Every donation, regardless of size or type, helps Central Church continue its vital work of sharing the love of Jesus. Your planned gift ensures that Central Church can thrive and continue to serve the Sioux Falls community for years to come. Thank you for considering a planned gift to Central Church.

Stocks & Mutual Funds

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Donating appreciated stocks and mutual funds to Central Church can provide a double tax benefit. You may receive a charitable deduction for the full market value of the securities and avoid paying capital gains tax on the appreciation.

How to Give:

  • Contact your financial advisor to transfer the securities to Central Church.
  • Notify us of your intention to donate so we can provide the necessary instructions and acknowledge your generous gift.

Qualified Charitable Distributions (QCDs)

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If you are 70½ years old or older, you can donate up to $100,000 annually from your IRA directly to Central Church without having to pay income taxes on the distribution. This can satisfy all or part of your required minimum distribution (RMD).

How to Give:

  • Instruct your IRA custodian to make a distribution directly to Central Church.
  • Inform us of your gift so we can properly acknowledge your contribution.

Donor Advised Funds (DAFs)

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Donor Advised Funds allow you to make a charitable contribution, receive an immediate tax deduction, and then recommend grants to Central Church over time.

How to Give:

  • Set up a DAF with your financial institution or community foundation.
  • Recommend Central Church as a grant recipient.

    Agricultural Assets

    Your Subtitle Goes Here

    Donating agricultural assets such as crops, livestock, or farmland can provide significant support to Central Church while offering potential tax benefits.

    • Crops: Donate a portion of your harvested crops. The donation can be arranged by transferring ownership before the sale. This way, you can avoid recognizing the income from the sale while still receiving a charitable deduction.
    • Livestock: Donate livestock by transferring ownership to Central Church. Similar to crops, this method can help you avoid recognizing the income while providing a deduction for the fair market value.
    • Farmland: Consider donating farmland outright, creating a charitable remainder trust, or giving a remainder interest in your farmland while retaining the right to use it during your lifetime.

    How to Give:

    • Consult with your financial advisor to determine the best method for donating agricultural assets.
    • Contact us to discuss your intentions and to receive further guidance on the process.

    Business Income

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    Small businesses can support Central Church through charitable donations, leveraging both business and tax advantages. There are several ways a business can give charitably:

    • Cash Donations: Make a direct financial contribution to Central Church. This can provide a straightforward way to support our mission while benefiting from a tax deduction.
    • In-Kind Donations: Donate goods or services produced by your business. This can be a great way to contribute if cash flow is limited.
    • Percentage of Sales: Pledge a percentage of your business’s sales over a specific period to Central Church. This can enhance your business’s community involvement and customer engagement.

    How to Give:

    • Contact us to discuss the best way for your business to contribute.
    • Ensure proper documentation for tax purposes.

    Vehicles, Artwork, Jewelry & Collectibles

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    Central Church accepts donations of other assets such as vehicles, artwork, jewelry, and collectibles, subject to our Foundation’s gift acceptance policy. These gifts can provide you with a charitable deduction based on the appraised value and can significantly support our mission.

    How to Give:

    • Vehicles: Contact us to arrange for a vehicle pick-up. Provide the necessary paperwork, and we will handle the rest.
    • Artwork, Jewelry, and Collectibles: Obtain an independent appraisal of the item’s value. Contact us to discuss the potential donation and arrange for the transfer.

    Estates, Wills & Trusts

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    Including Central Church in your estate plans is a powerful way to leave a lasting legacy. You can designate a portion of your estate to Central Church through your will or trust, ensuring that your values and faith continue to make an impact.

    How to Give:

    • Bequests: Include a bequest to Central Church in your will or living trust. You can specify a dollar amount, a percentage of your estate, or particular assets.
    • Charitable Remainder Trusts: Establish a charitable remainder trust to provide income to yourself or your beneficiaries for life or a term of years, with the remainder going to Central Church.
    • Charitable Lead Trusts: Create a charitable lead trust that provides income to Central Church for a term of years, with the remainder going to your heirs.

    Sample Bequest Language: “I hereby give, devise, and bequeath [specific amount, percentage of estate, or specific assets] to Central Church, located at 3102 W. Ralph Rogers Rd, Sioux Falls, SD 57108, for its general use and purposes.”

    Life Insurance & Beneficiary Designations

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    Naming Central Church as a beneficiary of your life insurance policy or retirement accounts is a simple way to make a significant future gift without affecting your current financial situation.

    • Life Insurance: You can either transfer ownership of an existing policy to Central Church or name Central Church as the beneficiary of a new or existing policy.
    • Retirement Accounts: Designate Central Church as a beneficiary of your IRA, 401(k), or other retirement accounts. This can potentially reduce estate and income taxes for your heirs.

    How to Give:

    • Contact your insurance company or retirement plan administrator to update your beneficiary designation forms.
    • Notify us of your plans so we can acknowledge your future gift.

    Central Foundation Board

    For more information on planned giving and to discuss how your gift can make a lasting impact, please contact the Central Foundation board:
    Phone: (605) 336-3378
    [email protected]

    Central Foundation Board Members:
    Fred Meyer
    Kim Otten
    Scott Weeldreyer
    Jon Hiatt
    Evan Anema

    The information above is for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal or financial advice. Please consult with your legal and financial advisors before making any charitable donation.

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