
Past Sermon Series

Your search for 'Jeff Wheeler' produced 90 result(s)

When Will The World End?

Preacher: Jeff Wheeler

Series: That’s A Great Question

In this week's message, Pastor Jeff leads us through a controversial but needed conversation - When will the world end? It's a question that's been asked and answered throughout history but this week's goal is to figure out what the Bible has to...

What's It Like In Heaven?

Preacher: Jeff Wheeler

Series: That’s A Great Question

In this week's message, Pastor Jeff continues our "That's A Great Question" series by talking about a question we have all asked a time or two: What's It Like In Heaven? We've all wondered what Heaven will be like, how things will be different...

Is Climate Change A Thing?

Preacher: Jeff Wheeler

Series: That’s A Great Question

What Does A Godly Man Do?

Preacher: Jeff Wheeler

Series: That’s A Great Question

In this week's sermon, Pastor Jeff addresses an important topic for Father's Day: What Does A Godly Man Do? Throughout the sermon Pastor Jeff talks about the pitfalls that some men have while also pointing out the scriptural way all men should...

Is the Bible God's Word?

Preacher: Jeff Wheeler

Series: That’s A Great Question

In this week's message, Pastor Jeff covers the age old question - "Is the Bible God's Word?". Throughout this message Pastor Jeff talks about the reliability of scripture, the implications if it is written by men or God. Our hope through this...

Can We Hear God's Voice Today?

Preacher: Jeff Wheeler

Series: That’s A Great Question

In this week's message, Pastor Jeff addresses the heavily weighted question of "Can We Hear God's Voice Today?". Throughout the message Pastor Jeff addresses some common misconceptions, along with some scripture references that point us toward...

What Does the Bible Say About Water Baptism?

Preacher: Jeff Wheeler

Series: That’s A Great Question

What Does Every Parent Need To Know?

Preacher: Jeff Wheeler

Series: That’s A Great Question

In this week's message, in celebration of Mother's Day, Pastor Jeff addresses the important question: What Does Every Parent Need To Know? Throughout this message you'll hear personal and biblical examples of 3 things that every parent should...

What Determines My Gender?

Preacher: Jeff Wheeler

Series: That’s A Great Question

In this week's message, Pastor Jeff tackles the challenging but culturally relevant topic of Transgenderism. Throughout the message you'll hear Jeff's heart for those who find this topic close to home. Jeff moves graciously through the facts...

Does God Exist?

Preacher: Jeff Wheeler

Series: That’s A Great Question

In this week's message, Pastor Jeff walks us through the age-old question: Does God Exist? There are many ways to answer this question but one thing we wanted to make certain is that "the Bible told me so" is NOT your only answer. Throughout this...