Part 2: The Wise Men (Magi)
Christmas is the story of Jesus Christ, fully God, clothing Himself with flesh and blood and divesting Himself of divine priviledge to save humanity from sin. He temporarily laid aside his heavenly glory to become God's offering for sin.
The characters in the Christmas story also sacrificed to make way for the incarnate Son of God to enter the world. Joseph and Mary, the Wise Men (Magi), John the Baptizer, and others all sacrificed. Like Jesus, their behavior showed life wasn't "all about them." As we read the Christmas story we realise it was a "season of sacrifice" for all involved.
What if we approached the Christmas season with the same attitude? Instead of making Christmas all about us, what if we turned our focus outward and personally sacrificed so others could experience Jesus? What if we made it a season of sacrifice? What could that look like? What if our sacrifice could help bring Jesus into someone else's world?
Will you embrace the real spirit of Christmas?
Jeff Wheeler
Lead Pastor