Part 3: The Lens of Invitation
All of us see life through the lens of our own experiences. Our perspective is influenced by our education, our parents, our extended family, our spiritual upbringing, our childhood victories and setbacks, and many other significant moments. But what if God wanted us to see life through a different lens? What if God wanted us to see life through the lens of his divine purpose for our lives? and what if that purpose could be summarized in one word? It can!
The word that encapsulates God's purpose for life is "oikos." Oikos is a new way to see life. It revolutionizes the way we view our relationships and how we use our time. It transforms how we pray, how we talk to people, and why we go to church. It brings God's purpose for our lives into focus. It's time to see life God's way; through the lens of oikos!
-- Pastor Jeff