In God's family, nobody gets what they deserve. Gospel Math The rebellious: Repentence = Coming Home The religious: Activity ≠ Intimacy The righteous: Grace > Fairness Throughout his ministry, Jesus…
The world is broken. To survive and thrive in this broken world... We need Jesus. We need each other. Additional passages: Hebrews 11:1,6; Hebrews 12:1-2; Hebrews 3:13
Who are you? You could answer that question in a lot of different ways, based on your job, gender, ethnicity, financial status, sexuality, politics, theology, relationships, hobbies, education... the list…
When the branch of control is pruned, we can bear the fruit of Amazing Faith. When we're in a situation we can't control, we tend to... Freak out (panic) Buckle…