If you’re looking for a LifeGroup at Central, you’ve come to the right place! Click the link below to browse through a list of LifeGroups and discover the best fit for you. You can also filter the groups (by proximity, life stage, gender, etc.) to help narrow your choices. If you click on the “E-mail Leader” link to get more info, the LifeGroup leader will reply as soon as possible. Feel free to e-mail more than one leader to help with your decision. New groups are being added all the time!

Start a LifeGroup

(in 3 simple steps)



Set up a time and meet with Pastor Neil. (Please choose the “30 minute meeting” option.)



Complete the online application and covenant before the meeting. It’s relatively brief and painless. But really important.


Get Trained

Sign up for a New Leader class and learn the ins and outs of leading a LifeGroup well.


What is a LifeGroup anyway?

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A LifeGroup is a Christ-centered group of 8-15 people committed to gather together regularly in an environment of grace and truth to become more like Jesus. A LifeGroup grows in depth and number when its focus is in three directions: upward (Bible study and prayer), inward (fellowship), and outward (service and evangelism).

Why should I join a LifeGroup?

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Central’s mission is to help you share the love of Jesus with your relational world. LifeGroups are a crucial element to accomplishing that mission. LifeGroups connect you with other believers who help you grow in Christlike character, vision, and action and give you an opportunity to share the love of Jesus with the people around you. Plus, they’re super fun.

What do LifeGroups study?

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LifeGroups vary in the material they use. Some discuss that week’s sermon. Others use the online resource called RightNow Media to study a wide range of topics. Others use book studies approved by Central. But all seek to help people grow in their faith and learn how to impact others.

What about children at LifeGroups?

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Individual LifeGroups decide how they will address childcare in their group. Some hire a babysitter for the entire group of kids. Others have individual families make their own arrangements.

Will we do anything besides sit around and talk?

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Yes! In addition to Bible Study and fellowship, LifeGroups are about action! We encourage each group to find venues for outreach: both service and evangelism are essential to help group members display, declare, and demonstrate the gospel.

How do I join a LifeGroup?

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Go to Browse through the groups to find a good fit. Then click on the “E-mail Leader” link to connect with a leader for more information about their group.

What if a group is listed as "Full"?

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Go ahead and contact the leader anyway. Their group might be getting ready to multiply and accept more people. If not, there are plenty of other groups that would are ready, willing, and able to have you join.


Wondering what to cover in your LifeGroup? Here are some great options:

Gospel Curriculum

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This Is The Gospel LifeGroup Curriculum

This four-week study helps you and your LifeGroup better understand the Gospel and Central’s mission to help you share the love of Jesus with your relational world.

You can download a digital copy of the workbook by clicking the link below.

Download the Workbook

Unified Curriculum

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Central uses “Unified Curriculum” as a way for many LifeGroups to study the same topics together. Here are links to check out 2 unified curriculum options:

Right Now Media

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RightNow Media

Dubbed “the Netflix of Christian Bible Study,” this streaming service provides a plethora of great LifeGroup resources. To access a subscription through Central’s account, click here.

Topical Discussion

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Topical Discussion

One-week forays into relevant topics.

Other Options

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Other Options

Want to study the Book of Judith? Interested in the biography of Jakob Hutter? Before diving in, please talk to Neil about more appropriate options.

Events & Activities

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