Woven 2024-2025

We are excited that you’re interested in joining a community where we will grow deeper through studying the Bible, prayer, and fellowship! If you have been a part of Woven in the past, welcome back! If you’re just checking us out for the first time, we are excited to get to know you!

NEW THIS YEAR! Fall, Spring & Full Year Sessions

FALL: September-December
SPRING: January-May
FULL YEAR: September-May 

Right now, registration is open for the fall & full year sessions. You will be placed in a thread with others who have registered for the same session. Please note that The Journey & A Way of Life are full-year commitments.

If you want to read more about the thread options & books we’ll study, please scroll down to learn more! If you’re ready to register, click the button below. 

Important note about Woven’s waitlist:
Upon registering, you’ll be added to a waitlist while we pray for additional Thread leaders to join our ministry. Please pray with us for more leaders to hear and accept God’s call to lead in this way. We hope to accommodate more participants, and we’ll contact you if/when a spot opens. Thank you for your understanding!

What to expect as part of Woven

    Threads (small groups)

    A Thread is a small group of other women going through the same curriculum, and 2 co-leaders. When you register for Woven, you are committing to showing up, being vulnerable, and desiring to grow in closer relationships with your Thread.

    Large Group Gatherings

    Woven participants are invited to our Large Group Gatherings at Central Church from 8:30-10:30am on the following dates:

    • First session: September 7, October 5, November 2, December 7
    • Second session: January 4, February 8, March 1, April 5, May 3

    Thread & Study Options

      We are offering 4 different Woven Thread types. At the bottom of this page, there’s a link to register where you’ll be able to select the Thread option you’d like to join.

    Teen Woven

    Who? 7th-12th grade girls

    Study: This year, we will study all four Gospels and use a guided journal for personal use and discussion.

    Teen Woven Commitment:

    • You are committing to meeting once each month at our Large Group Gathering (see dates above).
    • Optional: If you want to meet more, your TEEN Woven Thread can discuss and decide another time that month to meet! (We will discuss this more at our first gathering!)
    • You are committing to showing up, sharing, and desiring to grow closer to your Thread!

    Cost: FREE; you just need to purchase the book Let’s Read the Gospels.

    Woven Women

    Who? Women college age and above

    Study: This year, we will study all four Gospels and use a guided journal for personal use and discussion.

    Woven Women Commitment:

    • You are committing to meeting 2 times each month: once as a large group (see dates above) and once with your Thread on your assigned day/time.
    • You are committing to showing up, being vulnerable, and desiring to grow in closer relationships with your Thread.
    • You are committing to doing your workbook assignments, which will take about 2 hours per month.

    Cost: FREE; you just need to purchase the book Let’s Read the Gospels.

    The Journey

    Who? Women college age and above

    We will be deeply exploring the questions: Who am I? Who is God? How has God called me to live? How has God been present to me in my life? What does it mean for Scripture to actually transform my life? And more. This study is designed to help us have a deeper biblical foundation for our lives (primarily using the book of Luke) and to reflect on how we are growing in Christlikeness alongside a deeper level of accountability and community. This study is for women who desire deeper relationships, deeper commitment, and deeper investment in one another and in pursuing a life shaped by Jesus and Jesus’ way in the world. Check out The Journey Curriculum & The Journey Video

    The Journey Commitment:

    • You are committing to meeting 4 times each month from Sept-May. Once will be as a large group (see dates above) and three other times with your Thread on your assigned day/time.
    • You are committing to doing your reading and workbook assignments, which will take about 1-2 hours per week.
    • You are committing to showing up, being vulnerable, and desiring to grow in closer relationships with your Thread.

    Cost: We will offer a discounted rate at $150. This fee will NOT be collected at the time of registration. Please email Haley Wiggers for questions about cost.

    A Way of Life

    Who? This study is for those that went through The Journey curriculum in the 2023-24 ministry year. If you indicated an interest in moving on with this study, you will be or already have been in communication with Haley Wiggers or someone else specifically discussing logistics for this group and study. Check out the A Way of Life Curriculum.

    The total cost for the materials is $275. Please email Haley Wiggers for questions about cost.

    Ready to register?

    The link below will lead you to a form where you can share your information to be paired with a Thread for the next Woven session.

    Please be sure to read the information about Thread options and commitment above before you register. Woven has the richest impact when Thread members consistently show up and commit to sharing and growing together.