The Invitation
Sermon Description
In this week's message, Pastor Jeff addresses the core of Christianity by talking about the invitation we have received to enter God's Kingdom. Throughout this message, you'll hear about the window of opportunity to join God's Kingdom and make an eternal impact. You'll also hear practical and biblical examples of how to enter God's Kingdom and what questions you'll need to ask yourself as you continually seek Him.
Series Overview
In the Gospel of Mark, we encounter Jesus teaching, healing, confronting, and calling His followers to take part in His mission. Whether through miracles, parables, or encounters with sinners and outcasts, Jesus continually invites people to a new way of living and being, to a life of faith and surrender to God's purposes.
This series is a call to respond to Jesus—not just to hear about Him, but to follow Him, to be transformed by Him, and to invite others into the same journey. Throughout Mark's account of Jesus' life, we see Jesus extending an invitation to people of all walks of life to experience the radical love, power, and truth of God's kingdom. This invitation is not one to be taken lightly; it demands a response.